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How Anne&Em Ministry Impact Communities in Jan 2024?

"Our home church fellowship on Sunday."

we are ready for our ministry. But we still have a big obstacle. Our million Thai bath debt. Since early this year. We sent many ministry updates to our friends. We share our needs and request as many as possible to pray for us. I(Em) had a quiet time with God. I gunwale to our Lord Jesus. I said, "Lord I surrender to you. I give you all that I have. But I am sorry that the life I give to you was broken. It is almost like garbage already".

Then a miracle happened!!!

I can be sold my land. and pay for all my debt!!! I was crying out and thanking our Lord who takes care of us.

In the field.

We continue to share the gospel at SPU(Sri Pathum University) and KU (Kasetsart University). Feedback from our audiences is better than before. We are to use different tools to evangelize like short VDO, Cards. Thank God that I can challenge some of our church members to help in the harvest. My disciples are helping me to follow up on our new students' beliefs.

"We are using a set of cards called "Perspective" to open conversations with students."

"Tle(my disciple. Left) shares his testimony with a group of students. Some of them have tattoos and nose piercings. How brave is he! Some of them are responsible very well."

"Jame(right. my disciple) teaches and follows up with his new believer(Left)."

Jay Wells who serves alongside me. He encouraged us to visit some slums close to our church. So we went to "Pahol yothin 45 community" which was in the back of KU. There are about 200+ houses. We found the community's leader. Her name is "Nom". People in this community welcome us because they had good experiences with a Christian Organization. We start to share the gospel with some houses there. Few of those people were anti to good news.

"Aunty 'Nom'(2nd from left) guides us to her community"

"We shared the gospel in front of the house with the old aunty in Pahol Yothin 45 community. It was so hot."

We are the gospel to 16 people in this month. Still do not have new covers.

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. - Philippians 1:6

Our challenge.

  1. We are shifting from a bi-vocational pastor to a full-time minister. We need to raise funds to sustain family needs. Now we got 35%. We need more ministry partners.

  2. We are in spiritual warfare. New student believers are harder to follow up. Some guys don't answer our communication. We hope that we can help them to grow up to be a strong faith in Christ. Please pray for us that we can find a family of peace in the New community.

  3. If God allows. We want to move to live in side Bangkok close to our church where we serve and run ministry there. Nowadays I need at least 40 minutes and spend a lot of gas to go there. Now I use a motorcycle to travel to reduce my spending.


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